5 Marketing Tips to Quickly Boost Real Estate Listings and Sales

Marketing doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive it just needs to be done. And whether you are just starting your real estate career or are a seasoned professional, these five marketing tips can help you spot the opportunities that can help give your sales a boost.

Referral marketing

Many real estate agents don’t invest as much time in referral marketing as they should. This is unfortunate because referrals are one of the fastest ways to boost listings and sales. By making it a priority to obtain at least three to five referrals from everyone you meet, whether they are a client or not, you will quickly develop a virtually endless supply of prospective buyers and sellers that may need your help in the near future.

Cold calling

Making cold calls probably ranks as the least desirable sales activity for many agents. On the other hand, it is revered by some of the top agents and brokers in the industry. And the reason is simple. It works! When you’re making cold calls you have to be in the right mindset, have a script handy, and a list of phone numbers to contact. Otherwise, productivity goes down the drain rendering the process ineffective. Expired listings, FSBOs, and reverse directories are some of the many sources chock full of leads. Just be sure to scrub the telephone numbers against the latest do not call list.

Canvass your farm area

Getting out and canvassing your farm areas can provide great insight into the neighborhoods you serve and it shouldn’t be overlooked. When you drive or walk around your marketing area you have the opportunity to see the signs that someone may want to sell their home. A home being fixed or spruced up, a property in disarray or a FSBO, for example, are indications of a potential listing opportunity.


Networking with other professionals and business owners in your community can be an excellent source of leads and referrals. There are professional groups, charitable organizations and your local chamber of commerce that regularly hosts a variety of events where you will have the opportunity to mix and mingle with other like-minded individuals who could benefit from your expertise.

Make contact with previous clients

Your clients are often the best sources of leads and referrals and with the real estate market heating up in many parts of the country, clients who you previously sold, listed or leased a home or condo to may be considering a move. Now is a great time to get in touch with those former clients you haven’t spoken with in a while to find out how you may be able to help them navigate today’s competitive real estate market.


photo credit: Matthew Piechalak via photopin (license)